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about backdrop

Remember when life was simpler? When laughter flowed freely and love felt invincible? But then, adulthood happened. Responsibilities weighed us down, dreams got crushed, and innocence faded.

We're here to take you back to that uncomplicated time. When friendship was everything, and love conquered all.

Welcome to Backdrop, where reality blends with imagination. It's a world of forgotten tales and childhood dreams, where you and your friends embark on a journey against darkness.

As the prince and princess of this paper realm, your mission is to rediscover yourselves, revive love, and bring light to a world shrouded in decay. Join us in this adventure to reclaim joy and friendship.

Cinematic Trailer
Screenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game BackdropScreenshot of the game Backdrop